Saturday, 21 August 2010

Leviathan and Stargrunt projects!

I've had this mini (well, it stands 12 cm tall) for over a decade. It is from the now defunct 'Leviathan' game, and I've always loved it but never had a reason to use it. I looks like that know I might thanks to Nuclear Renaissance! Over the years, and moving country, it has taken a beating and will need a lot of attention to get up to scratch. Embarrassingly, I've never painted a mini this big before so I may have to approach it with a little caution.

As you can see, it needs a lot of filing and putty before it is painted.

On top of this, Stargrunt! I've been playing (and loving) SG a fair bit recently so went and bought a platoon of New Israeli from Ground Zero Games. The two APCs are from Old Crow.

All thats seven 8-man squads, a command squad and 2 mounted sentry guns all for 25 quid +p&h. Bargain.

I almost don't want to paint them because the promise of what they will be will always be better than the reality of how I will paint them. But we've all got to grow up, children, and I should start these this week.

1 comment:

  1. GZG have recently sold the masters and rights to the 25mm resin vehicle range and 6mm buildings that they were nolonger producing to I have been watching their facebook page "Daemonscape Resin base's and Scenery" as they are re molding and touching up the origionals. Its the pictures of the dropship which has been upgraded to include a working rear ramp and new undercarrage that have caught my eye, I will be waiting to get hold of one of them when they are released.
